
Our corneal transplant surgeons offer the full range of surgical techniques. We use advanced approaches that help you recover faster, with better vision.



皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 角膜移植手术 Program experts use specialized experience and advanced technology to replace the damaged outer tissue of your eye (cornea). Our surgeons use the newest approaches to cornea transplant surgery for improved outcomes, 这样你恢复得更快,看得更清楚. 


最先进的技术: We offer a range of advanced techniques for corneal transplants, which are the most common type of transplant surgery. Our surgeons use approaches that offer lower complication rates and faster visual recovery.

扩大治疗方案: Patients who are not candidates for traditional transplants may receive an artificial cornea transplant, in which we replace the damaged cornea with a manmade (prosthetic) one. These transplants offer a viable alternative to patients who previously had no hope of restoring their vision.

研究护理: 作为著名学术中心的一部分, our physicians continually research and bring you the newest treatment techniques. We also offer eligible patients access to clinical trials of promising new therapies.

技能专长: We are established experts in corneal transplantations. One of our surgeons has performed more than 100 artificial cornea transplants, placing him among the most experienced surgeons worldwide who do this procedure.


A corneal transplant, also called a keratoplasty, is surgery to replace damaged corneal tissue.

The cornea is the transparent outer tissue of your eye. It allows light to pass through your eye so that you can see.

在角膜移植手术中, the surgeon removes damaged corneal tissue and replaces it with healthy corneal tissue from a donor. Unlike solid organ transplants, corneal transplants don’t require tissue matching. 正因为如此, the wait time to find donor tissue is often shorter than for other types of transplants.


A cornea transplant may restore vision and decrease pain for patients who have corneal damage. 你的角膜可能因以下原因受损:

  • 角膜溃疡(疮)或疤痕
  • 福克斯的营养不良, an inherited (passed down in families) eye disease that causes corneal swelling and thickening
  • 圆锥角膜,一种凸出的角膜
  • 既往眼部手术并发症
  • 角膜肿胀或增厚
  • 角膜变薄或撕裂


Our corneal surgeons offer a range of techniques for corneal transplantation. 角膜移植的类型包括:

内皮角膜移植术(EK): The surgeon removes tissue from the back portion of the cornea. 这些后皮层包括内皮细胞, 眼膜覆盖在角膜上的一层薄膜, 和下膜, 保护内皮的组织层.  两种类型的内皮角膜移植术包括:

  • 角膜剥离内皮移植术(DSEK): The surgeon replaces the endothelium and Descemet membrane with donor tissue, along with a thin layer of supportive tissue called stromal tissue. This procedure removes and replaces about one-third of the cornea.
  • 内皮角膜移植术(DMEK): The surgeon replaces the endothelium and Descemet with a thinner layer of donor tissue than is used in the DSEK procedure. This tissue doesn’t include stromal tissue, so it’s much more fragile. This is the most complex type of EK due to the fragility of the donor tissue.

前板角膜移植(ALK): ALK只移除和替换患病的细胞, 角膜组织的外层, 让背面保持完整. We may recommend this approach for patients have a corneal scar or keratoconus but a normal endothelium. We use two types of ALK, depending on how deep cornea damage extends into the eye tissue:

  • 浅表前板层角膜移植术: The surgeon replaces only the front layers of the cornea and leaves the endothelium intact.
  • 深前板层角膜移植术(DALK) The surgeon goes deeper through the layers of corneal tissue, 可能替代基质组织, 上皮周围的支持组织.

飞秒激光角膜移植术: 我们可以用激光做角膜移植术. The laser makes incisions using ultra-fast energy pulses. This technique lets us shape incisions so the transplanted tissue fits precisely into the cornea. This approach results in faster recovery and less astigmatism (an imperfect curve in the eye). Femtosecond laser keratoplasty is best for patients who haven’t had a prior corneal transplant or incisional corneal surgery, 没有密集的角膜疤痕.

穿透角膜移植术: This is the traditional approach to a corneal transplant. The surgeon uses a round, bladed tool to make an incision through all the layers of the cornea. We remove the central portion of the cornea and replace it with healthy donor tissue.

人工角膜移植: Artificial transplants expand options for patients who aren’t candidates for traditional approaches or who have experienced corneal transplant failure. In this procedure, the surgeon replaces the damaged cornea with a prosthetic cornea.


Our corneal transplant surgeons lead one of the most experienced, highest-volume corneal transplant teams in the nation. We are continually setting and raising the standard in expert corneal surgery. Our physicians use advanced techniques that offer you a quicker recovery and improved vision.

Our Expert Team - UCLA Stein Eye Institute Specialists

葡萄膜炎, 角膜与外部疾病
葡萄膜炎, 角膜与外部疾病


呼叫 310-825-5000 to request an appointment with a corneal transplant specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Our corneal transplant surgeons are some of the most experienced in the nation. 呼叫 310-825-5000 to learn more about our corneal transplant services.